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Real Estate Photography

Technique and Equipment

The great challenge of real estate photography is capturing a room as our eyes see it, with just a single press of the shutter. A wide dynamic range of lighting conditions, competing light sources and the unwelcome reflection of colors make further complicate the task, because even the best cameras, unfortunately, are simply no match for the human eye.

The Flambient Method of photography (Flash + Ambient) solves the problem by combining one ambient light exposure, followed by one or more flash exposures, in Photoshop (or similar software). No flash is used for the ambient shot. Here the objective is to capture the natural light and shadows present in the room. The flash shot(s) are taken, not only to properly light the room, but even more importantly, to ensure that all of the natural colors are preserved. An additional shot is frequently taken to properly expose for the windows.

The Flambient Method combines the best of all-ambient or all-flash photography, resulting in natural looking, color-correct, properly lit photos. The Before and After images below are good examples of what the camera captures with one initial shot, taken without flash, compared to the finished photo, using the Flambient Method.